Membership Application Procedure & Qualifications

Membership to Verdict7 is based upon strict and objective standards. Each applicant must have won a verdict, award or settlement of $1 million or more, as lead counsel, on behalf of a single client.

Applicants are required to fill out a detailed application to demonstrate that they meet this qualification.

Verdict7 only sends membership invitations to attorneys who appear to be qualified, including those who were nominated for membership by other members or based on the report of a large case. Other qualified attorneys can apply for membership.

Applicants must certify that, as members of the Bar, the information they provide in their application is true. It is our policy that any false statement in the application represents an attempt by an applicant to represent themselves as having qualifications and experience that were not accurate and truthful and, as such, would be considered a serious act of misconduct that may warrant disciplinary action by the Bar.

We carefully review every application. Supporting information may be requested. Applicants who do not possess the necessary qualifications will be denied membership to Verdict7. If membership is not approved, any fees paid will be refunded to the applicant.

We generally review all applications within two weeks of receiving the application. If an attorney is approved for membership, we will send a notification via email to the new member.

There is no fee to create an attorney profile on Verdict7 or to maintain membership. A one-time fee is charged for the purchase of a custom sculpture and/or website badges. There are no subsequent fees to maintain membership.

How To Apply For Verdict7 Membership

All membership applications must be sent online. Follow below link to apply to.

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